Comparsion of methods

Comparison of cleaning method

TypeFlash Cleaner MachineHeat TreatmentUltrasonics TreatmentChemical Additives
DescriptionPut the filter on the work-top of the washing cabin and connect it to the water pipe. Press START: depending on the type and the size of the filter, Flash Cleaner Machine performs the washing of the filter and then dries it with hot air.Cutting trough the DPF metal casing and put it into an oven that gradually reaches 1100-1300°F burning the carbon residuals. Welding the DPF back together afterwards.Dip the DPF into a ultrasonic tank full of water. The ultrasonics form micro-bubbles inside which the temperature is very high and the pressure reaches 500atm. The implosion of the bubbles causes the detachment of the particulate matter from all of the filter substrates.Pouring chemicals trough DPF filter, letting it sit to také effect and rinsing filter afterwards.
TimeFrom 30 minutes (car DPF-FAP) to 120 minutes (truck DPF). 8-48 hours Pneumatic cleaning: 90minutes. Oven-baking: from 8 to 48 hours.12-24hours ultrasonic cleaning + drying + pneumatic cleaning.12-24 hours depending on type of chemistry used.
Equipment requirementsMet Trade Flash Cleaner is a one-of-a-kind machinery that performs all of the cleaning phases (washing + drying) without cutting, oven-baking and welding.Equipment needed:
-Backpressure Tester
-ventilated  Cab
Equipment needed:
-Ultrasonic tank
There is a wide range of addivites; price varies according to the manufacturer and to the channels of sale (from 20€ to 200€).
AdvantagesTotal Removal of PM10 residuals, Removal of oil residuals , Removal of cerium residuals, Efficient cleaning of all of the types of particulate filter and catalyst (cars and heavy goods vehicles, also SCR) of every size. Safety of the filter Preservations of the noble metals of the DPF, Processing solution remains clean thanks to an efficient filtration system: no need to change the water, it only needs to be refilled when it evaporates. Easy, fast and cheap.Removal of most of the PM10 deposits.Deep cleaning of the filter cells.Easy and cheap.
DisadvantagesNone.Risk of damaging the filter caused by the cutting and welding. Risk of melting the cerium on the filter walls due to the high temperatures.
Risk of thermal shock that can damage the noble metals
Ineffective on filters with oil residues and big-sized filters.
Risk of damaging the filter due to the vibrations generated by the ultrasonics and the implosions of the bubbles High water consumption (need to change it often to eliminate the PM10 cleaning residuals which deposit at the bottom).
Ineffective: residuals are not actually eliminated and more are added to those generated by the additive itself.

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