About us

Met Trade has been dealing with the purchase and recycling of used automotive catalysts and DPF for 14 years. Our sorting plant for the catalysts at Řičany offers their complete recovery in the form of iron, precious metals and nickel alloys. All recycling process is approved by the appropriate authorities and meets all technical and environmental requirements.

In year 2017 we decided to take up on another activity- DPF cleaning.

After comparing several possible technologies, we decided to choose highly effective cleaning all-in-one pressure box. So far, it is the only device of its kind in Czech Republic and it is placed in our new facility at Michelská 3/9, Prague 4.

Met Trade s.r.o.
Michelská 3/9
141 00 Prague 4 - Michle
DIČ: 264 968 79
Contact us


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© 2025 Met Trade s.r.o. / developed: Zelená planeta s.r.o. / hosting: www.ekohosting.cz /